
Service is Trippy

Would you like to escape your troubles for a while? Try being of service.

First, here are a few things service is not.
Service is not help. Most advisors I talk to tell me that their why--their purpose in being an advisor--is to help people. Problem is, no one wants to be helped. When you help me, I’m less than you and you’re better than me. When you help people you stay separate from them, different. Whereas when you serve a client or a loved one, you aren’t even there; what’s present is simply beneficial connection.
You’re not being of service when you’re focused on what you can get out of the exchange. This doesn’t mean that you don’t get something out of serving another person or a larger cause than your personal self. It just means that neither you nor the people you aim to serve will have been served if you’re thinking about yourself.
Okay, so what is service? Service is work performed without any agenda clouding your intention. Because you give of yourself with no strings attached, you feel a scintillating freedom when you do service work. When you serve a purpose not--for once--concerned with getting something for yourself, you experience an indescribable elation and flow.
Why the heck would anyone want to serve? Because doing so connects you with God; it opens your heart…if—that is—you truly get out of your head, if you truly let go of the desire for personal gain. The experience of Divine love gives rise to enthusiasm for life, appreciation of beauty, virtuous actions and wisdom you didn’t know you have.
Besides bringing service to your job, there are food banks to serve and children who need care. You can serve the lonely by simply listening without trying to fix anything. You are of service when, rather than waiting for the other person to be friendly first, you offer an encouraging word. You are of service, when, instead of demonstrating how differently you think about something, you come with an olive branch. Make someone’s day today. Be of service. It’s a trip!

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