To be passionate, is to be ready for both the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, because either way, you feel alive.
When you are connected to your passion, you are connected to everything. Think of Obi Wan Kenobi in the Star Wars series. He embodies universal consciousness. Obi Wan is profoundly sensitive and empathic to the whole galaxy. He feels even the slightest changes in the Force. Some eastern philosophies compare human beings with waves on the surface of an endless ocean. When you are in your passion you have an intimate sense of this connectedness to all of creation.
Healthy passion makes for creativity. Sometimes this means you become innovative, intuiting new solutions to outstanding issues. Sometimes it means engaging in an artistic endeavor like painting or playing the guitar. Other times creativity means setting to work, making things, getting things done, being productive. And at yet other times, creativity means sexual activity, reproduction, fertility.
Our society is becoming more mind- and technology-oriented every day. To get back in touch with your passion:
Get out of the mind, meditate
Watch a movie, sing a song or read a book that touches you
Acknowledge even the subtlest experiences of passion and savor them (the smell of a flower, the empathy for a friend, disappointment with work, absorption in music)
For more on the intimate sense of connectedness to all of creation, see Chapter Five, especially the section entitled “The Holographic Principle” (pp. 75-6) in LISTEN…Till You Disappear.
For more on passion, see Chapter Eight of Robt. Moore & Doug Gillette’s King Warrior Magician Lover (1990).