a message from martin:

Hello and welcome to the Coaching Hub! Thank you for subscribing. You will find everything from inspiration to pragmatics here. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

In particular I’d like to acknowledge you for seeking coaching. You have to stand in a spiritual place relative to yourself in order to open up to coaching. The ego protects itself against change, but the spirit wants growth and fulfillment.

I will post regularly the most cutting-edge—and the most ancient—wisdom, tools and ideas for you and your business. Each time you return to the Coaching Hub, you will find tried and true business consulting information, helpful structures you can implement immediately, and fresh insights into the crux of work and life.

I encourage you to not only read and listen, but to deploy the knowledge gained here (failing and succeeding, yes, but always trying it on to see if the shoe fits), and to be in contact so we can make adjustments, fill the gaps, celebrate victories, and work in partnership to improve the standard of living for all.


Martin W. Kettelhut, PhD


Videos to support the development of your business


Read Martin’s newest book as it’s being written


image of the month

You know the saying, a picture is worth 1,000 words.


resources & recommendations

Let’s use these together